I've made flapjacks several times recently but have never actually blogged about them. Plus I've never made the same recipe twice and so don't have a particular favourite. Even Marcus Wareing's (which I mentioned in passing as a gamers' treat) was felt to be 'as good as another flapjack but not outstanding' by my Scientist Connoisseur of All Things Butter and Syrupy. He's quite strict in his requirements for flapjack, which actually, are quite similar to his requirements for trifle: keep it simple. I found a good and simple recipe on the website of Lyle's Golden Syrup - (so many good words) - makers of sugar and syrup, and felt there was no better a place to start my search for the latest offering for the Gamers.
Flapjack, is essentially, melted butter, sugar and golden syrup with oats stirred into it, and baked. You can see why it's a favourite really, can't you? In America, however (as I learnt here) it is a sweet flatbread cooked on a griddle. Madness. It's no wonder the Norse Goddess was confused. The smell of all that lovely golden meltingness does smell pretty alluring even for someone like me who's not so fussed about eating the finished product. This recipe evidently got its proportions just right as the flapjacks were a hit and I am happy to make it my go-to fave. Of course you can add all sorts of extras - dried fruit, seeds, nuts, chocolate all work, and there are approximately a squillion other recipes on the web featuring other goodies. But not if you're eating it in this house, ok?
Lyle's Golden Syrup recipe here
Love flapjacks and haven't made any for ages - must bring out the oats. Yours look good - much better than M&S.
They look lovely Lysy. I am not a huge fan either, although I would happily eat one, however my hubby loves them as does his dad. Must be a dad thing :)
we grew up with american flapjacks and it took me a while to come around the british style but after making some with candied ginger and choc chips I was sold! Though I am not sure you would approve! I still get a bit confused about if they should be chewy or crispy or can be both
But the smell of golden syrup and butter reminds me of anzacs which are simliarly oaty though it has flour and coconut.
Top, top flapjacks, as I and my gaming buddies can attest! :-)
I have taken to only reading your blog at lunchtime so that I don't salivate all over my keyboard!
These look yum!
Thank you, Choclette and Jacqueline - I'm very flattered :)
Johanna - How interesting that Aussie flapjacks are more like the American ones - I would have assumed they had the same origins as ours. Do you know why coconut is such an Aussie staple? Is it another 'keeping well' thing?
Thank you, Scientist!! :)
I can't wait to try and make them! They look scrumptious and of course everything's better with butter. And syrup and oats. :)
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