By the evening I was back into seasonal mode and made roasted winter veggies for dinner, with a Cantonese-style glaze. I had loads of veggies left over, and since wasting food is an absolutely cardinal sin in my book I decided to roast them too, and turn them into soup. I wasn't sure how the glaze would transfer into soup, and was after something more hearty in flavour, so I did them with smoked paprika and a Schwarz spice blend for vegetables which The Scientist picked up in Sainsburys a few weeks ago. The vegetables smelt amazing, and I just whizzed them up in the processor with some stock until they were a nice consistency. The flavour was so good that I didn't need to add anything else except a little salt and pepper.

The recipe, such as it is:
Hearty wintry roast veggie soup
Preheat oven to 200 degrees C (400 F)
Chop selection of seasonal root veggies into chunks (about 1 inch) and scatter over a lightly greased baking tray. Season with smoked paprika and selection of herbs/spices (I used Schwartz 'special blend for vegetables'). Roast for about an hour, until the veggies are tender. I added some onion and garlic after about 15 mins.
I let the veggies cool for a little while here, but that's really because I was eating my dinner, and it probably made no difference! Blend up in a processor with enough stock to make the consistency you like. Taste and season.
Serve to hungry and appreciative boyfriend.
I used about 2/3 of a large parsnip, 1 1/2 largish Jerusalem artichokes, a big carrot, 2/3 of a swede, a shallot and a huge clove of garlic, and it made three portions, but it depends a lot on how thick you like your soup, I suppose!

That sounds like a good tasty soup! I haven't tried artichokes in soup yet, so nice idea!
I do love your cats! I have some perverse cats too! thump, thump, thump at the patio door, I want in and then a minute later, thump, thump, thump at the patio door, I want out! But don't you just love them!
I am glad you submitted to the challenge, it is always good to come across a new blog!
Sounds like a delicious way to use up your excess veggies.
How wonderful that you used to row. I row twice a week on my rowing machine, which I love, but have never rowed for real. I love the rhythm of rowing and imagine doing it on actual water must feel wonderful!
The artichoke was definitely a good plan. It added a really nice layer of flavour to the whole affair :-)
Jerusalem artichokes are a definite winner in soups, and they make good roasted veggies, too. Even The Scientist endorses them! I think that cats just love to be perverse - one of ours loves the whole 'I want to go out but now I'm going to sit in the open door and think about things for a while' routine. She also tried to eat thread (while I'm sewing) which we have to have chats about frequently.
I'm impressed with your rowing machine routine, Lisa. I hardly use one now - too much time spent doing indoor races on them when I rowed! There is something nice and peaceful about the clunk of the oars and the nice sunrises when you're on the water (and the cold and the wet and the being shouted at by a coach...) : )
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